Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shear Switch Blade #55 5.5"/r

* LENGTH: 5.5 inches* With Finger Rest* Perfectly balanced and always ready for precise cutting* No more sharpening blades when they go dull (9 to 12 months) snap on a new replacement blade* Replaceable BladesThe revolutionary No-Nip-Tip Switch-Blade shear by FEATHER Available in various lengthens from 4 inches to 7 inches. Feather offers a shear that is always sharp always perfectly balanced always ready for the most precise and creative cut your clients expect from you. You never waste valuable time sending in dull shears out to be sharpened. When Feather blades begin to dull (in 9 to 12 months) simply snap new Feather razor sharp blades and continue cutting. The blades are made of high quality stainless steel and ice tempered for long lasting sharpness. The exclusive No-Nip Tip is designed to eliminate accidental nipping your fingers. The shear frame is an indestructible precision balanced, stainless steel frame that will never warp, bend or corrode and is guaranteed for a lifetime. Feather Switch-Blade shear became recognized as a professional shear when the British Men's team won the world Hairstyling competition in Rotterdam in 1980. Since then it has become the best selling shear in its price range.

  • Perfectly balanced and always ready for precise cutting
  • No more sharpening blades
  • When blades go dull (9 to 12 months) snap on a new replacement blade